General Game Playing
General Artificial Intelligence
- Copy the rulesheet and stylesheet of Tic Tac Toe from Gamemaster to your computer. Use Standaloneopen to play a match of Tic Tac Toe after loading your copies of the rulesheet and stylesheet. (Hint: Click the pencil icons to load your files.)
- Modify the two sheets to support a 4x4 version of the game. Use the Rule Checker to check your rulesheet. Use the Style Checker to check your stylesheet.
- Once you are satisfied with your rulesheet and stylesheet, use Standaloneopen to play a match of your game. Once again, you will need to load your rulesheet and and your stylesheet into the Standalone page in order for them to be used.
- Using the Players link on Gamemaster, start two automated players, e.g. Random and Twostep. Use Manageropen to start a manager. Load your rulesheet and stylesheet into the manager. Adjust the names of the players to correspond to the players you launched. Then click Begin to watch the players you selected play the game.
- Optional. Repeat the above for a game of your own devising.
Submission details: Post the rules for your 4x4 version of Tic Tac Toe as a private post in the Assignment 2 part of the course Forum using your team name as subject. If you encode a game of your own, leave a public note in the Forum describing your game; bring your computer to class; and be prepared to demonstrate your game in standalone mode or with automated players.