General Game Playing

Assignment 5

  1. Implement a greedy minimax player, i.e. a minimax player that expands the tree one node at a time, at each point selecting the node that optimizes your preferred combination of exploitation and exploration scores, continuing until a predetermined number of expansions is reached of until time runs out. Once your player is ready to go, choose your preferred evaluation and selection functions and click on the links below to test your player. (Suggestion: use an intermediate reward function fro evaluation and a combination of exploitation and exploration for selection.)

  2. Hamilton
    Connect Four

  3. Optional. Implement a player that uses the Monte Carlo Tree Search technique. Once your player is ready to go, click on the links below to test it out.

  4. Hamilton
    Connect Four

Submission details: Choose one of your players and upload it to Gamemaster. Your grade for this assignment will be based on this player. Important: Include up to one page of commentary, so that the course assistants can understand your player and assess how well it addresses the lessons of the week. Your player must be uploaded by 6:00 pm the day before class, and uploads will be disabled from then until 6:00 pm the day of class.

In addition to using your submission in assigning a grade for the week, we will use your player in a variety of matches. Results will be announced in class, and we may demonstrate your player in action during class. Games will be similar to the ones above but will not be announced in advance. So be sure not to build in details about specific games.