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Game Development Utilities

Game Checker - allows users to test game descriptions and stylesheets.

Rule Checker - allows users to test game descriptions (Sierra configuration)

Style Checker - allows users to test Javascript stylesheets on sample states.

Game Management Applications

Standalone - Standalone manager for games on server

Manager - Regular manager for games on server

Stepper - Game stepper for games on server

Standaloneopen - Standalone manager for games described in local files

Manageropen - Regular manager for games described in local files

Game Player Applications

Human - Human player page for server games specified in URL

Player - Automated player page for server games specified in URL

Humanopen - Human player page for games specified in local files

Playeropen - Automated player page for players specified in local files

Sample - Sample Player to download, customize, and upload.

Standard Players

Legal - Legal player

Random - Random player

Onestep - One Step player using intermediate values

Twostep - Two Step player using intermediate values

Minimax - Full Minimax player using intermediate values

Minimaxdepth - Minimax player to fixed depth using intermediate values

Minimaxid - Minimax player with iterative deepening using intermediate values

MCS - Monte Carlo Search - one step player using depth charges

PTS - Minimax player with persistent breadth-first search using intermediate values

Greedy - PTS player with search based on exploration and exploitation

Standard Metagamers

Optimizer - performs optimizations on game descriptions.

Materializer - materializes relations used in game descriptions.

Simplifier - simplifies games by eliminating subgoals or rules based on ground facts in the game description.

Grounder - converts game descriptions with variables to fully grounded versions.

Symbolizer - converts game descriptions with variables to fully grounded and symbolized versions (i.e. with all ground atoms converted to propositions).

Pruner - prunes games to include only potentially relevant actions based on dependency analysis of fully grounded game descriptions.

Older General Game Playing Websites

Tiltyard (web site) - allows users to register players for automatic round robin competition against other general game playing programs. Warning: Games on this website do not necessarily comply with the current General Game Playing standard. (web page) - General website on GGP. Contains information on how to develop software for GGP. Warning: Games on this website do not necessarily comply with the current General Game Playing standard.

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